Samlingen: this is us
Image: Zoë Poluch, Stina Nyberg, Halla Ólafsdóttir, Nadja Hjorton, Amanda Apetrea at MDT ca 2018
Samlingen means the collection/the assembly.
Samlingen is a choreographic project where a common interest in choreography and feminism is intertwined with the history of dance. The group is born out of a deep interest in collective work and works created by Samlingen are always signed together and not by the individual members. This is because we want to strive away from classic hierarchical power patterns in dance, and instead move towards other models of community. It is important that dance pieces with many dancers are staged by freelance contemporary choreographers, on initiatives other than those of institutions, and by choreographic groups rather than individual "geniuses".
Samlingen is intersted in how we relate to history, how we think about working together, the hierarchies between work roles, who gets to be the boss and who should be the boss, the whiteness of the black box, the money, the sick leave and parental leave, about working only with people you want to sleep with, about stealing ideas, about feeling like you never will become anything and everyone already knows that. These things, the major dilemmas of living in relationship with dance, can be brought up in Samlingen.
Samlingen changes from place to place in a unique collaboration with active dance artists and visiting audiences. The founders of Samlingen are Amanda Apetrea, Halla Ólafsdóttir, Stina Nyberg, Zoë Poluch and Nadja Hjorton.